C.M. and Bhattacharya, B.C., CAD Modules for Pressure Vessel Design, Chem. Ind.
Digest, 1 (3), 82 - 95, 1988.
C.M, et. al., Computer Aided Analysis and Optimization
of Biogas Enrichment Process, J. Energy Mass Transfer, 12 (1), 17-24,
C.M. , Design of Cooling Towers-A System Approach, J.
Inst. Engineers ( I ),80 (1), 4-8, 1999 ( Received Certificate of Merit ).
C. M., Studies on Performance Characteristics of Solar Parabolic Trough
Concentrator with Variable Area Absorber, International Journal of Renewable
Energy Technology, Vol. 5, No.1, pp.1 ?11, 2014.
C.M., Tejaswi, M., Harshika
Prasad and Neelanjana Chakraborty,
Studies on Performance Analysis and Computer Aided Design of Inverse Fluidized
Bed Bioreactors with Nano-support Particles, International J. Chemical Reactor
Engineering, Vol. 12, No.1,pp. 303-315, 2014.DOI 10.1515 / ijcre.2004-0027.
46. Narayanan, C.M. and Tripti De, Studies on Synthesis of Biodiesel from
Microalgae Oil in Immobilized Lipase Fluidized Bed Bioreactor, Biomass
Conversion and Bio-refinery Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 33-42, 2015.DOI :
10.1007/s 13399-014-0126-6.
Narayanan, C.M.,
Economic Design of OTEC Power Plant With Concurrent Production of Desalinated Water-A
Case Study, American Chemical Science Journal, Vol.4, No.6, pp. 726-735, 2014.
48. Narayanan, C.M. and Tamanash Pramanick, Computer
Aided Design and Analysis of Regenerators for Heat Recovery Systems, Ind. Eng.
Chem. Research, DOI : 10.1021 / ie501213s, June, 2014.
C.M., Ananya Basak, Arpita Saha and Soni Jha, Studies on Performance Characteristics of
Diverging-Converging Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactor with Special Reference to
Lactic Acid Synthesis from Molasses and Cheese Whey, International Reviews of
Chemical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, 142-152, July, 2014.
C. M., Case Studies on Synthesis of PLLA Bioplastic
Starting from Food and Agricultural Wastes, International J, Chemical Engg. And Processing, Vol.1 ,
No.1, pp.1-13, 2015.
C. M., Studies on Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Three Phase Semifluidized Bed Bioreactors , Chemical Product and
Process Modeling, Vol.10, No.1, pp.55-70, 2015, DOI 10.1515/cppm.2014-0029.
C. M., Amritha Ajeej,
Joseph V. Thanikal and R. Senthil
Kumar, An Overview of Bioaugmentation of Methane
Production by Anaerobic Co-digestion of Municipal Sludge with Microalgae and
Waste Paper, Vol. 50, pp. 270-76, 2015.
C. M. and Subrata Biswas, Computer
Aided Design and Analysis of Three Phase
Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactors for Waste Water Treatment, Asian Journal
of Biochemical and
Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 5,
Issue 2, pp. 224-49, 2015.
54. Narayanan, C.M., Tripti
De and Jaya Sikder, Studies on Synthesis of Biodiesel by Transesterification
of Neem Oil with Immobilized Lipase in Cylindrical and Diverging –
Converging Fluidized Bed Bioreactors, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental
Engineering, Volume 6, No. 5, pp. 322-336, October, 2015.
55. Narayanan, C.M. and Aditi Pandey, Development of
Software Packages for Computer Aided Design and Performance Analysis of
Industrial Fractional Distillation Equipment, Trends in Chemical Engineering,
Vol.2 ( No.3), pp. 15 – 41, 2015
C.M., Studies on performance Characteristics of
Salt-gradient Solar Ponds using Aqueous Solutions of Copperas,
International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, Section – A, Vol.5, No.1,
pp. 67 – 74, Dec.2015 – February, 2016.
57. Narayanan, C.M. and Shrijta Das, Computer Aided Design and Performance Analysis
of Inverse Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactors With Special Reference to Bioplastic Synthesis, Advances in Chemical Engineering and
Science, Vol.6, pp. 130-39, April, 2016
C. M. and Subrata Biswas, Studies on
Waste Water Treatment in Three Phase Semifluidized
Bed Bioreactors – Computer Aided Analysis and Software Development, Journal
of Modern Chemistry and Chemical
Technology, Special Issue, Vol.7, No.1, pp.1-21, April, 2016.
C. M., Amritha Ajeej and
Joseph V. Thanikal, Studies on
Production of Biogas by Co-digestion of Sewage Sludge, Wastepaper and
Waste Grown Algae, Journal of Modern Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Special
Issue, Vol.7, No.1, pp.74-81, April, 2016.
60. Amritha Ajeej, Joseph V Thanikal,
Narayanan, C. M. and Hatem Yazidi, Studies on the Influence of the Characteristics of
Substrates on Biogas Production, International J. of Current Research, Vol.8,
Issue 10, October, 2016.
Narayanan, C. M. and Aditi Pandey, Studies on Synthesis of
Lactic Acid from Agricultural and
Food Wastes in Downflow Stationary Fixed Film ( DSFF
) Bioreactors, International J. of Transport Phenomena, Vol.14, No.4,
pp.241-54, 2017.
Narayanan, C.M. and Shrijita Das, Studies on Synthesis of Lactic Acid from Molasses and Cheese Whey in Semifluidized Bed Biofilm Reactors, International J. of
Environment and Waste Management, Vol.19, No.1, pp.1-20, 2017.
63. Tripti, De, Jaya Sikder
and Narayanan,C. M.,
Biodiesel Synthesis Using Immobilized Lipase Enzyme in Semi – Fluidised Bed Bioreactors – Bioreactor Design and
Performance Analysis,
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, Vol.36, No.5, pp. 1537 – 45,
2017. DOI : 10.1002/ep.12602.
64. Narayanan, C.M., Shrijita
Das and Aditi Pandey, Green
Technologies for Manufacture of Valuable Products from Food Wastes and
Agricultural Wastes, Chapter – 1, Volume – 2, pp. 1 – 54, Handbook of Food
Bioengineering, Elsevier, 2017.
65. Tripti, De, Jaya Sikder and Narayanan, C. M., Biodiesel Synthesis and
Bioreactor Design – An Overview, Indian J. of Chemical Technology, Vol.24,
November, 2017.
66. Narayanan,
C.M., Process Intensification of Heat and Mass Transfer Equipment / Processes
Using Variable Area Design – A Review, Annual Technical Volume
(interdisciplinary coordination committee), The Institution of Engineers (I),
Vol.2, pp. 128 – 139, December, 2017.
67. Narayanan,
C.M. and Aditi Pandey,
Studies on Biodiesel Synthesis Using Nanosilica
Immobilized Lipase in Inverse Fluidized Bed Bioreactors, J. Advances in Chemistry,
Vol. 15, No.1, 6072 – 86, 2018.
68. Narayanan,
C.M., Is there Poetry in Engineering ?, International
J. Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol.4, Issue 3, 835 –
37, 2018.
69. Narayanan,
C.M., Performance and Applications of Semifluidized Bioreactors
– A Review, International J. Chemical Reactor Engineering, July, 2018. DOI:
70. Narayanan,
C.M., Sneha Bhadra and Mukul Kanta Das, Computer Aided Design of Shell and Tube
Heat Exchangers (Incorporating Most Recent Developments), Chapter 4, Advances
in Chemical Engineering, Open Access eBooks, 2018.( Visit :
). ISBN : 978 – 93 – 87500 – 24 – 2.
71. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., ബയോഡീസൽ - ഈ
നൂറ്റാണ്ടിൻറ്റെ ഹരിത ഇന്ധനം - I ( Biodiesel – The Green Fuel of this Century, Part I ), Sastragathy (ശാസ്ത്രഗതി), Vol.52, No.5, November, 2017.
72. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., ബയോഡീസൽ - ഈ
നൂറ്റാണ്ടിൻറ്റെ ഹരിത ഇന്ധനം - II ( Biodiesel – The Green Fuel of
this Century, Part II ), Sastragathy (ശാസ്ത്രഗതി), Vol.52, No.6, December, 2017.
73. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് യുഗവും പരിസര മലിനീകരണവും - I ( Plastic
Age and Environmental Degradation – Part
I ), Vijnanakairali (വിജ്ഞാനകൈരളി), Vol.50, No.2, February, 2018.
74. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് യുഗവും പരിസര മലിനീകരണവും - II ( Plastic
Age and Environmental Degradation – Part
II ), Vijnanakairali (വിജ്ഞാനകൈരളി), Vol.50, No.3, March, 2018.
75. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., ഫോസ്ഫറസ് അടങ്ങിയ നവീന ജൈവവളം - ഉത്പ്പാദനവും ഉപഭോഗവും ( Novel Phosphatic Biofertiliser –
Production and Consumption), Sastragathy (ശാസ്ത്രഗതി ), Vol.53, No.1, July, 2018.
76. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., ബയോഗ്യാസിൻറ്റെ ഉത്പ്പാദനവും ഉപയോഗസാധ്യതകളും - ഒരു അവലോകനം ( Manufacture
and Utilization of Biogas – A Review), Vijnanakairali
(വിജ്ഞാനകൈരളി ), Vol.50, No.7, July, 2018.
77. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., ദ്രാവകചർമ്മങ്ങൾ – നിർമ്മാണവും ഉപയോഗവും ( Liquid Membranes – Construction and Applications
), Vijnanakairali (വിജ്ഞാനകൈരളി ), Vol.50, No.11, pp. 45 – 50
(No.12, pp.11 ), 2018.
78. (Malayalam)
Narayanan, C. M., സമുദ്ര താപോർജ്ജ പരിണാമവും ഊർജ്ജ ഉത്പ്പാദനവും ( Ocean
Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and Power Generation ), Sastragathy (ശാസ്ത്രഗതി ), Vol.53, No.7, pp.32 – 40,
January, 2019.
79. Narayanan, C. M., Economic Design of OTEC
Power Plant With Concurrent Production of Desalinated Water – A Case Study,
Chapter – 3, pp. 27 – 35, in Theory and Applications of Chemistry, Vol.2, Book
Publisher International, Hooghly, India / London, UK, July, 2019. DOI.
10.9734/bpi/tac/v2. Visit :
80. Narayanan,
C. M. and Vikas Narayan, Biological Waste Water
Treatment and Bioreactor Design – A Review, Sustainable Environment Research,
Vol.29, Article 33, December, 2019. DOI:
81. Narayanan, C.M., Jaya Sikder and Tripti De,
Characteristics and Applications of Biodiesels and Design of Bioreactors for
their Industrial Manufacture, Chapter – 13, pp. 285 – 320, in N.K.Rathinam and R.K.Sani (eds.),
Next Generation Biomanufacturing Technologies, ACS
Symposium Series, Washington, 2019. DOI
: 10.1021/bk-2019-1329-ch013.
82. Narayanan, C.M.
and Vikas Narayan, Recent Developments in Biogas Manufacture and Biogas
Utilization: A Review, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, Vol.4,
No.4, em0135, 2020. DOI: 10.29333/ejosdr/8366.
83. Narayanan, C.M. and Vikas
Narayan, Advances in Biogas Manufacture, Bioreactor Design and Biogas
Utilization, Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius, 2020. ISBN : 978 – 620 – 3 – 19653 – 5.
C.M. and Vikas Narayan, Studies
on Synthesis of Lactic Acid and Xanthan Gum from Cheese Whey Permeate in Two
Phase and Three Phase Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors, Korean J. Chemical
Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 9, 1888 – 1902, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11814-021-0821-5.
( In
Proceedings of National / International Conferences )
10. Narayanan, C.M., Case Studies on
Energy Conservation in Process Industries Using Membrane-based Processes, Proc.
National Symposium on Energy Conservation and Audit, pp.25-40, Calcutta, 2001.
39. Narayanan, C. M. and Tripti De, Studies on Synthesis of Biodiesel from
Microalgae Oil in Immobilized Lipase Fluidized Bed Bioreactor, Proc.
International Conf. on Energy Systems Modeling and Optimization, Durgapur,
December 9-11, 2013 ( Keynote Paper ).
40. Narayanan, C.M., Ananya
Basak, Arpita Saha and Soni Jha,
Studies on Performance Characteristics of Diverging-Converging Fluidized Bed
Biofilm Reactor with Special Reference to Lactic Acid Synthesis from Molasses
and Cheese Whey, Proc. Chemical Engineering Congress ( CHEMCON-2013 ), Mumbai,
December 27-30, 2013.
41. Narayanan, C. M. , Computer Aided
Analysis and Simulation of Three Phase Semifluidized Bed
Bioreactor with Special Reference to Xanthan Gum Production from Cheese Whey,
Proc. International Conf. on Bioprocess Engineering, Valencia, Spain, June 26
?27, 2014.
42. Narayanan, C.M., Novel Designs of
Industrial Bioreactors-Recent Developments ( Invited lecture ) , Proc.
International Conf. on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Kollam,
October 16-18, 2014.
43. Narayanan, C.M., Jaya Sikder and Tripti De, Design and
Analysis of Bioreactors for Biodiesel Synthesis, Proc. Chemical Engineering Congress
( CHEMCON-2014 ), Chandigarh, December 27-30, 2014.
44. Narayanan, C.M., Tripti
De and Jaya Sikder,
Design and Analysis of Immobilized Enzyme Bioreactors for
Biodiesel Synthesis - A Review, Proc. Golden Jubilee International Conference
on Recent Developments in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Durgapur,
October 02-04, 2015
45. Narayanan, C.M. and Subrata Biswas, Three
Phase Semifluidized Bed
Bioreactors for Waste Water
Treatment – A Review, Proc.
Golden Jubilee International Conference on Recent Developments in Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, Durgapur, October 02-04, 2015
46. Narayanan, C.M. and Shrijita Das,
Studies on Synthesis
of Lactic Acid
from Cheese Whey and Molasses in Semifluidised Bed Biofilm
Reactors , Proc. Golden Jubilee International Conference on Recent
Developments in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Durgapur, October 02-04,
47. Narayanan, C.M., Amrita Ajeej and Joseph V. Thanikal
, Studies on the Feasibility of
Co-Digestion of Sewage Sludge, Waste paper and Waste Grown Algae to enhance the
Production of Biogas, Proc. Golden Jubilee International Conference on Recent
Developments in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Durgapur, October 02-04,
48. Narayanan, C.M. and Aditi Pandey, Development of Software
Packages for Computer Aided Design and Performance Analysis of Industrial
Fractional Distillation Equipment , Proc. Golden Jubilee International
Conference on Recent Developments in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
Durgapur, October 02-04, 2015
C.M. and Shrijita Das, Performance
Characteristics of Inverse
Fluidized Bed Bioreactors with Special Reference to Bioplastic
Synthesis, Proc. ISHMT – ASTFE International Heat and Mass Transfer Conference,
Trivandrum, December 17 – 20, 2015.
C.M. and Aditi Pandey, Studies on Synthesis of Lactic Acid from
Agricultural / Food Wastes in Down Flow Stationary Fixed Film ( DSFF )
Bioreactors, Proc. Chemical Engineering Congress – 2015 , Guwahati,
December 27 – 30, 2015.
C.M., Computer Aided Analysis of Biodiesel Synthesis Using Lipase – Immobilized
Inverse Fluidized Nanosilica Particles, Proc. National Symposium on Multiphase
Flow, Durgapur, India, February 22-24, 2016.
C.M., Green Technologies for Sustainable Development – A Few Successful Case
Studies (Keynote
Lecture), Proc. All India Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment
of Chemical and Allied Industries for Sustainable Development and Climatic Change,
Calcutta, May 6 – 7, 2016.
53. Narayanan, C. M., Novel Approach to
Biodiesel Synthesis Using Algal Oil and Immobilised
Lipase Nanosilica in Variable Area Inverse Fluidised Bioreactor,
Lecture), Proc. National Convention of Chemical Engineers, Kochi,
September 9 – 10, 2016.
C.M., Zero Discharge through Effluent Utilization – Successful, Green, Low Cost
Technologies ( Invited Lecture), Proc. National Symposium on Zero
Effluent Discharge Technologies, CUSAT, Kochi, March 8, 2017.
55. Narayanan,
C.M., Green Technologies for Deriving Wealth from Wastes – With Special
Reference to Bioplastic Synthesis ( Invited Lecture), Proc. International Conference
on Reuse and Recycling of Materials ( ICRM – 2018), M. G. University, Kottayam, March 9 – 11, 2018.
56. Narayanan,
C.M., Liquid Membrane Permeation Technology – Prospects and Promises ( Invited Lecture), Proc. Faculty Development
Program on Advanced Separation Processes, Cochin University of Science and
Technology ( CUSAT ), Kochi, December 2 – 7, 2019.